
What is 5S Training?

If your business doesn’t currently utilize 5S for lean manufacturing, you’re likely doing your brand a disservice.

The 5S program helps you orient your workspace for success. By eliminating waste, removing unnecessary items, and focusing on visual cues, you can set the quality standard for your work area and continue to excel daily.

With an enhanced visual management level, it’s easy to see why so many enterprises and global brands rely on 5S. However, if you’ve never used the 5S methodology, it can be difficult to overcome the learning curve. That’s where 5S training comes in. If you’re ready to rethink how your workspace operates and focus more on workplace organization, here’s what you need to know.

What are the essentials of 5S training?

A quality 5S training package covers the fundamentals of this workspace methodology. To start, you’ll learn what each component of the 5S means. These include Japanese words such as Seiri, Seiton, Seiso, Seiketsu, and Shitsuke. These 5S principles help you incorporate visual cues throughout the work area. Your training materials help each learner on your entire team understand and learn the ins and outs of 5S and its business applications. When you schedule a 5S training course, your team members will learn how to straighten the shop floor, follow best practices for storing a needed item, and following the steps of 5S to keep obstacles out of the workstation.

5S depends upon a unique work process that encourages visual control. The 5S process includes several visuals that include floor marking tape, 5S corner markers, red tag area marking, and shadow boards. Combining effective training and a visual aid system, you can set your team members up for long-term success and growth. From new employees to seasoned veterans, your entire team can apply 5S in the best way possible.

A training package includes all of the required training materials, access to a consultant that assists with key questions, and fast shipping. The training materials can highlight related opportunities and empower you throughout the workplace if you want standard ways of accomplishing work throughout your organization and are interested in preventing waste caused by defects and other factors.

Typically, training is broken up into different sessions, the first of which is dedicated to explaining the foundational aspects of 5S principles. Other sessions commonly focus on divided pieces of the 5S model. These sessions frequently include simulations that allow your employees and team members to follow a clear set of instructions to implement and review. The breaks between sessions are usually used to reflect, adjust, and execute in a more capable way.

Why is 5S so important for organizations?

While your training materials can teach you the essentials of 5S, you also need illustrations of its long-term benefits. In fact, for many companies and enterprises, 5S is strictly a long-term investment, and that’s where the greatest number of benefits exist. While 5S helps brands develop quality standards that can improve productivity and growth, the ongoing benefits are substantial. This is because the time, resource, and financial savings are larger than you might expect. At its core, 5S seeks to eliminate one or all of the seven muda that impact lean manufacturing. These seven muda are also known as the seven wastes.

The muda include transport, motion, defects, inventory, waiting, overproduction, and over-processing. In your workspace, each of these can negatively impact your brand’s bottom line. On top of that, the muda can dampen your public and professional reputation. Since the consumer’s goodwill is paramount for modern organizational success, this is crucial for your enterprise health.

How do you monitor ongoing 5S training performance?

With any new program and methodology, it’s important to understand how to review performance and make any necessary adjustments. In most cases, you’ll want to leverage employee feedback to your benefit. Look for successes as well as roadblocks and areas of improvement. Are there any factors that impact 5S implementation? Are there spots where your team members and new employees excel? Do you need to rethink your placement of 5S corner markers and floor marking tape? With employee feedback, you can continue to grow and improve your team’s performance.

On top of that, you should also consider implementing regular reviews to address adherence to 5S principles and their application. These can help you celebrate improvements and continue to spur employee growth and development. It’s the best way to develop smarter business tactics, and 5S training can help.

5S training can help you achieve success.

Most, if not all, brands can benefit from 5S training. It allows for smarter workplace management while encouraging lean manufacturing principles. 5S training is a great product for any team that is looking to reduce waste and achieve success. When your team members have the right tools in their arsenal, there’s no telling what you can do.

Contact Incito Consulting Group

Let Incito advise you on the importance of 5S Training when you contact us at 866-697-LEAN or send us a message online. You may want to take advantage of our Lean Six Sigma Consulting services or value stream mapping workshop, which will help you get the most out of all your processes.


5s is a five-step workplace organization approach. The acronym stands for the following Japanese words: Seiri, Seiton, Seiso, Seiketsu, and Shitsuke. When translated into English, this 5s system comprises five simple steps: Sort, Set in order, Shine, Standardize, and Sustain. In short, 5s are the five things you should do in your business to make your operations more efficient.

5s is a methodology for organizing a workspace. It’s based on the idea that every item in the workspace should have a specific location. If the item is somewhere else, it should be immediately returned to the correct place.

The Toyota Motors leadership developed this system as a part of the Toyota Production System (TPS), and it has been used in the manufacturing industry for decades. Now, the 5s method is being adopted by companies around the globe to streamline operations and increase productivity.

5s is designed to help your team get more done. Implementing 5s is a simple way to make sure that every employee has the tools and space they need to be successful. While the 5s method is straightforward, training is required to effectively implement it.

During the 5s training, your team gets all the guidelines and coaching they need to transform their workspace and every minute process in it. It’s a great way to get your team on the same page and helps you eliminate excess clutter and maintain a tidy working environment.

In the world of business, it is essential to have orderly processes that run smoothly and efficiently. This is why many companies have started implementing a 5s system.

Each of these steps is essential in ensuring that your business runs systematically. Sorting refers to arranging your materials and equipment into categories so you can easily find what you are looking for; set in order deals with creating common work areas where employees can work without constantly moving around. This will help you decrease distractions and improve overall productivity.

Shining dictates the order of removing all unnecessary materials from work areas so you have less clutter and more space to work; standardization concerns the use of a set procedure for your business so that everyone knows what to do, and sustain focuses on keeping the organization operating smoothly even when there are disruptions or unexpected changes. These techniques ensure that your business remains efficient over time.

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